This city is quickly filling up with new snow...And so the progression of winter continues...How I love watching it gather up around the window panes and bottoms of the trees. The roads are quite treacherous though, so please stay safe if you are living and driving here.
The painting is coming along...
I'm hoping to finish this piece...and show it at the Glacier Glide art showing....
It has been good to have my brushes in paint again...I have no idea why but I tend to just slip out of my artistic habits...maybe in the pursuit of something I think better? Which never really works out. But I am back to painting goes this progression.
I read a lot...I love finding new places and topics to read about...Wandering about the library and searching blogs is a favorite of mine...I cannot even remember how I come about the things that I do but here are some interesting things I have found today...
They have such interesting up on who they are and their business, I think you will find it quite interesting. Let me also add that they have amazing graphic design and web design...Art anyone? mmhmmm
Music review for the day-
Check it! the perfect eclectic/acoustic/ambient/coffee house music...Josh blends together his unique thick voice with folkish guitar patterns and jazz influenced rhythms. He often sounds as if he is experimenting with world touched melodies. But that was all said while listening to one that the next is playing, I am not so sure. See this man definitely has his style, and I love it..because it is so simply un-nameable. This is music for the progression of living and breathing...
Progression of art...may I bring to you intrigue and fascination...
...Two artist who are best friends...and married. They have such evocative work, I have no words to try and describe must go see for yourself.
I think that the earth has collected a few more inches of snow since I began this...Everyday writing is different...Some days all thoughts and realizations come pouring forth, seemingly out of nowhere...and then some days it is a slow drip of consciousness, as today is...
Conclusion: Today is a day of progressions.
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