Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stand Still No More...

As usual too many days have slipped in between posts...and every time I write something new it starts out with that same obvious statement.

I was reading psalms today...I haven't read psalms in a really long time...but I think that it is one of those books that you always go back to...well maybe just for me...but I lived off of Psalms for the longest time...When things in my life were not so pretty and where I was felt like a wasteland. The fact that David openly wrote to his God about his depression, pain, hardship, his want for death, and pleas for deliverance astound me. In one chapter he was extolling his LORD in the highest possible way, threading together lines describing His awesome power and presence, but in the next he was barely breathing, barely holding on...asking God why? This is hard for me, because in the churches that I grew up in and the "christian" groups and settings that I spent time in you didn't talk about things like that. If you had a problem, or sin, or some kind of issue you just were told to pray about it maybe go get professional help. It was like everything had to be kept pretty and together, so you had all these groups that consisted of hiding broken people and they wonder why things never got anywhere. You have to take care of the body. If we are not ready to heal each other's cuts then why are we here? Why keep inviting people in out of the world to only bring them so far? Why is depression and self-injury looked upon like a huge sin that can't be cleansed? Why do we as Christians have to be together and pretty all the time? Where does that get us? Maybe if we were open about where we were at and others were accepting and ready to heal then this "Jesus' life and love" thing might be just a little bit easier to grasp...just a bit more realistic. So after all that I just wanted to say that I find great encouragement from the Psalms.

I pray that we are filled with a thirst for God....for Breath....for Spirit....that we pursue Him with everything that we have...I don't want to be complacent...I don't want to be a part of nice "christian" programs and ministries that aren't really putting themselves out there. I grow so tired of standing still. Where are we going? Do we even want to go bad enough. I wonder what could happen if we recklessly centered our lives around Him who has saved us? Im not so sure its enough to call your self a christian, to maybe follow the "do not" rules....is it really enough to live a nice life going to church on sundays, maybe a bible study on wednesday? Why do you go? Really, w h y d o y o u g o ? Is there a point? Wake up Oh Sleeper and rise from the dead..let the light of Christ shine upon you. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO MERELY SLEEP THROUGH LIFE EVEN IF YOU FOLLOW THE RULES...are you living in LOVE are you inspired and moved by the Spirit?

May you realize that there is more to be breathed...more to love...places to reach...may you be filled to the point of overflowing so that you can spill throughout the world.

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