Speaking of school...I am done! I graduated myself about a month ago...finished up my transcripts and I can't believe that High school has already come and gone...wow. So now I am in the process of finishing my application for the internship at Muncie Alliance Church...the prospects of ministry are so exciting for me, but still I am apprehensive...because Indiana is 10 hours away, I don't really know what to expect, and what if this isn't really where I am supposed to be, is there a "place" that we are really supposed to be? Or do you just go where you feel is best and God takes it from there? Questions and questions, it seems they never stop. It's difficult also because this school is unaccredited and nontraditional...it's different from the normal four year degree expectations everyone has of you. Ministry is a huge step of faith...and it always seems to be in question...where, how, when...why? Oh but apart from all worries...I am so absolutely thrilled to begin. And did I mention that they work in the area of my passion? COFFEE...aaahh yeaaah.
Coffee...Friday night we hosted our second Coffee House...people ask how it went, and well "good" doesn't aptly describe it...but neither does "bad" or "challenging" ...I guess the best way for me to put it, is that it just simply "went" I think God was really testing me as I struggled to keep my focus on the ministry instead of the logistics of putting on something good. Up until the night before I didn't know whether we would have an espresso machine or not...But thanks to the He-Brews and Cornerzone coffee shop ministry we were provided with an espresso machine and 3 amazing baristas. They went through so much to make sure that our night went down...not to mention their amazing musical abilities. This year included an art gallery along with the live music. About half way through the night, our drink orders were stacking up quite quickly and all of the sudden our espresso machine dramatically quite working...but about 5 guys and a bag of tools later it was up and running...A blessing in disguise because they needed the machine working for Fire-up this weekend, it would have been pretty bad if it had broken down there. Is it not interesting how God kind of just flows through everything?
Alex making coffee... Anna And Josh singing...
The Lovely Grace and her daughter Hosanna...
Beautiful Hannah and her awesome friend Rene...
Josh and Luke...Dancing, dancing!
So as you can see our Coffee House was quite crazy, fun, hectic, all in the name of our LORD.
This has taken me way longer to write than I expected...But I am so happy that I am writing that I don't even care...I love my blogging times...even though lately they are few and far in between...Sometimes when life keeps filling up your head and your heart you just forget to write...its like not taking the herbs when your ill...
Side note: while writing this the power went out, the computer shut off...and I was so disappointed that I lost my hard-worked-on post...Thank God and Blogspot for a beautiful thing called AUTOSAVE....gotta love this high-tech world.
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